Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 30 – 1 photo + 3 good things

Not exactly today's but it's recent enough:
3 good things:
1. passed the senior design day.
2. kena puji lol =Pvv
3. dapat handbag and pinggan mangkuk baru haha material2

Friday, April 29, 2011

bila Lelaki Melayu malu-malu..

ni lah hasilnye:
hahahahahahhahahahahaa.. sorry2 =P but this is seriously too funny not to laugh at ;))
*nama sebenar cuba dirahsiakan tapi x sure berjaya untuk tidak mengaibkan mana-mana pihak*

Day 29 – Something you're never tired of doing

I could do these forever.
sleeping and hanging out.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 28 – In this past month, what have you learned?

I learned that there's just a ridiculous amount of work for a student.
I learned how to build a daft punk helmet.
I learned that I just can't get along with some people, even if I tried.
I learned that I'm really strict with my ideals.
I learned that I can be a woman.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 27 – What kind of person attracts you?

lelaki mcm ni. boleh x haha. pakcik botak ni sgt kacak =P
Someone tall, dark, and handsome; typical like as described in old english novels haha. well because I especially like those old classic literatures. a friend of mine cik elle once said that i'm jual mahal sangat. but i don't think that i'm choosy or high-taste or demanding.. i fall in like with people here and there every now and then, but then he likes other people, so. it just didn't happen yet..
          i just want to like someone who:
- is taller than me. i'm not that tall anyway..just 166cm. it's not like i'm 175cm or a model or something =| (the average for Malay women is 153.3cm, and for men it's 164.7cm [link]) ok i'm slightly above average, but still.
- is older than me. even if we're of the same age (born in the same year), i want his birthday to be earlier than mine. yeah it's such a petty detail.. but that's just how i feel ^^;;
- knows how to azan. it doesn't have to be beautiful or anything.. i just want him to know and be able to azan when the time comes.
- is not whiter or fairer than me. just because.
- is 'somewhat' matured. i think i can be considered as quite matured, but still, i'm the youngest of my siblings, so sometimes the spoilt me might comes out, so.
right. i don't think this is too much or strict..(or is it?) considering some girls listed some required physical appearance or financial incomes, i'm not that bad right. i don't know how to act all girly and stuffs. plus my physique's bigger than the average girl. they usually relate 'cute' with 'small' right. and my face to say's snobbish? prudish? arrogant? stuck-up? unfriendly? yeah long-story-cut-short, i seem hard to approach and intimidating. even girls think that i'm quite hard to get close to.

note: (hi fish) this is NOT some hints as to whom i had a crush on some time ago. it's just my general ideals. but of course sometimes I had crushes that didn't follow a few of these; like when I started liking someone within the same batch (remember that old one in high school?), I didn't know his birthday yet, so then I found out that it's later than mine, and i'd feel down but by that time i already liked him, so. sobs.
p/s: if you're wondering why I haven't ever confess to any of my crushes, it's just because I hate it when people say that i'm 'perigi mencari timba', 'gedik', etc.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011


It's not my fault that I was raised with so much doting and overprotecting and caring love from my family. I had a protected childhood:

My skin was (sometime is) over sensitive. I couldn't even touch laundry detergent. If my skin had contact with it, it will become hot and red and then it started to peel off, and wrinkles appear. So every weekend, instead of me washing my own school shoes, mak would do it for me, up until I was 10-11 years old. Then my sister complained that mak was spoiling me too much and forced me to do it myself. Hey is it my fault that I'm allergic to detergent? Other than that, I also couldn't peel and clean tuberous plants like potato, tapioca, and their leaves. Else I'd get the same reaction like with the detergent.

When it was festive times and we'd play fireworks and firecrackers, and sometimes when my brother got a long holiday, his friends would come over to play and they'd make a meriam tanah (earth canon? lol)  in front of my house because our house is on top of a hill. So then they'd let me play it too, but when I lit the fuse, my brother would help me cover my ears for me =P (like when you're firing a gun).
resepi meriam 
With a lot of adults around me, so does the amount of 'adult supervision'. Some movies and stuffs on TV were already checked and filtered by the Lembaga Penapis, but when I watch TV or movies with my brothers and sisters, it got filtered again: they wouldn't let me see even a kissing scene, so the other bases are of course out of the question. They'd say "you're still just a brat, you're not old enough to see this kinda stuffs", and sometimes even covered my eyes for me. But strangely enough, they encouraged me to not close my eyes when watching a horror movie. If someone scream or cry or close their eyes, he/she would be laughed at. So yeah, even now, I still feel 'awkward' watching those touching, romantic moments, but I don't have any problems with suspenseful scenes ^^;
right. I didn't even know who mar1a 0zawa is up till 2 years ago. even then I found out because one of my girl friend mentioned her name and I asked her, but she wouldn't tell me so later I googled her up and my browser's clean history is history. T_T

Day 25 – Who are you?

WHO AM I?? what kind of stupid question is this. I'm ME. ME.
I'm the one in the blue circle. see that? yeah that's me.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot

Shopping is Shopping

I'm sharing with you (pictures of) what I bought last weekend. They say sharing is caring. who cares.
          Last weekend, 15 of us seniors rented 3 cars and went on a shopping spree at Tanger Five Oaks Outlet Mall, Gatlinburg, Tennessee. It was a 3 hours drive away from Vanderbilt. We departed that morning around 9am, and shopped till around 7pm (Central Time), when we have to stop shopping and do our Zohor/Asar jama' prayer. Then we went to dinner at Golden Corral; a buffet-style restaurant. They had a lot of southern-style cooking. Maybe because my stomach was not feeling too well that day, I just felt like it's not that good a meal. perut jawa haha. But I hate leaving tons of leftovers (budak kat Afrika menangis kebuluran) and as I paid money to eat there, I made myself almost finish what I put onto my plate, and some desserts (ice-cream and banana pudding =Dvv). After that, on the way back, we stopped at a fireworks store and bought some.
          Our first destination was Corelle, Corningware, Pyrex, etc factory outlet. I spent a few hundreds of dollars just at that store. What on earth did I buy? haha I don't have the receipt to list them all out, but from my memory, I think I buy some Visions set, Pyrex set, white french Corningware set, a few boxes of pretty glasses, and a LOT of plates.
Shadow Iris and White Flower Corelle plates.
Good thing my brothers and sister already bought for themselves online, and I just have to help them ship those BOXES and BOXES of these stuffs. Else, I'd have to go find and buy these things for them too and won't have time for my own stuff hehe. Thank you international credit card transactions and financial institution in general.
          Then we walked around going in and out of clothing stores like GAP, Ann Taylor, Liz Clairborne, Calvin Klein, LOFT, Banana Republic, and some others. We were looking for clothes to wear on the Senior Design Day, and maybe some retro clothes for the Senior Farewell Party. We searched in a lot of stores, but I don't think any of us actually bought anything in this matter. I bought a yellow handbag from Wilson Leather:
Guess how much this genuine leather pretty handbag cost; $17. Me: =Dvv
Tired from all this serious shopping business, we bought some Ben & Jerry's ice creams despite the chilly winds up near the Smoky Mountains =p for a little refreshing-ups. Then we went to the Levi's store. My friend had this list of orders from her family back in Malaysia, so she bought like 10 or more of jeans, which summed up to almost $600. CRAZY. I KNOW. I myself bought 3 pairs; black, white, and navy-blue. I've been wanting to buy some jeans since last year, but the Levi's store here in Nashville (one at the Opry's Mall) was closed due to the flood, and hasn't reopen yet. My 3 pairs of jeans cost me about $93, which is quite a great deal. Now you think my expenditure's not that bad after hearing my friend's $600 value of jeans right ^^;;
          We also went to the Sunglass Hut; I wanted to buy one before the summer sun comes out and blazing. (plus it's always summer back home in Malaysia lol) The ones that they said look okay with me were all priced at >$150, so I didn't buy any.. T_T
          Oh yeah we went to Coach to end this trip on a high note. It was so funny seeing the lost, 'deer in a headlight' look on the boys' faces. XDD They were buying handbags for their moms, but at some point, got confused as of what color, design, size, style, they should buy. The girls, on the other hand, were completely in their element lol. These lost and confused boys were scrunching up their faces and had their brows knitted in a frown, thinking hard. It's like this handbag shopping business is some kinda weird, hard exam or something. After a lot of frowning, they resorted to calling back home and asked directly with their moms. Too cute, right? =P

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 23 – 15 facts about me

  1. I'm human.
  2. But sometimes not humane.
  3. I'm a girl.
  4. But sometimes I act like a boy.
  5. And at some other times wished to be a boy.
  6. I'm a Gemini.
  7. So (?) I have extreme, sudden, random, mood swings.
  8. I'm straight.
  9. But I still think girls are cute. cute things are cute.
  10. Boys are cute too.
  11. I'm a sadist.
  12. But I don't like masochistic men.
  13. I'm addicted to coffee.
  14. I hate hot.
  15. I'm cold.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 21 – something that makes you happy

Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name

are you talking about the blog url, or the blog title?
url: dr-senbest is just a reference to Akira Toriyama's Dr. Senbe; a character in Dr. Slump manga. Some friends of mine used to call me Dr. Senbe in elementary school, and there's no deeper meaning to that. and then I often jokingly say "Yah best", "Yah best", and some way or another I just put Dr. Senbe and the word 'best' togethyer, and ta-daah, you got dr-senbest lol
blog title: it used to be "on SnowY days", but now it's "a re-run on Life" ..why the change? just because.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 19 – something you want to do before you die

Bungee jumping
Blood donation

Monday, April 18, 2011

Perfume Collections

who can correctly name all of these perfumes?
kalau betul semua, dapat bubbletea 1 haha
Abercrombie & Fitch's Wakely; Victoria Secret's Sexy Little Things Noir, Sexy Little Things Love Rocks, Very Sexy, Dream Angels Heavenly; Johan B's Merveille; Calvin Klein's Be; Body Shop's Velique; Gervenne Bouquet's Mystique; and Gucci's Gucci (sampler).

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 18 – 5things that irritate ME

Opposite Sex:
1. too self conscious, i.e. kuat perasan.
2. lembik. bkn stkt 'lembik physical', 'lembik mental/psychology' pun salah. nnt kena buli je.
3. kuat bebel mcm pakcik middle-aged. (banyak cakap dgn banyak bebel lain)
4. marah2/emo2 kat aku x boleh. kat org lain xpe haha.
5. makan bunyik2.
Same Sex:
1. gedik+ngada2+bossy.
2. improper, xde manner, x tau malu.
3. hisap rokok.
4. marah2, emo2.
5. makan bunyik2.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


          I went to see the movie Insidious with my friends last night. Some other friends of mine already watched it earlier on, and they said that it was a horror worth watching, and quite the scream-jerker. So I went with a hopeful and high expectant mindset. I was ready for some screams, and held tightly on to my jacket, preparing myself to be scared silly.
          Alas, it was a not-so-scary experience; the first thing that went wrong was this bald middle-aged guy sitting in front of us with what I assumed to be his wife. Even before the movie started, he just suddenly, out of the blue, said "ok people shut up", between the ads and previews for upcoming movies. Then, when the actual movie actually started, he got a fit of hiccups. I mean, come on. Who, at that age, still get hiccups and can't control them? And then a few tens of minutes into the movie, he said again, "stop talking". Then someone from the back replied "you need to stop talking", and they went back and forth until the baldy's wife silenced him, and the 'ghost' appeared on screen =P
          Ok, back to the beginning of the story: it started strong; I really like the black-and-white oldie style, and then when we expect the story to start, it actually was just the credits and title. (but those oldie moments will make sense or be some important hints later on)
          I actually got a few shocks (but no screams; I just don't do screams haha) in the first half of the story. That's when they still were not sure what's wrong, and what's happening. Those state of confusion and insecurity of something unknown is much more terrifying than the actual 'terror'. Then when the story unfolds, I started to link things together, and actually correctly predicted some of the rest of the plot. So from then on it was kinda boring; I was going "see I totally see that coming" in my head.
          Then some more details and explanations were given, and those previously 'unknown' things we made clear. They gave options and ways to deal with the situation, and from then on I just don't see the horror; I just see it as an adventure. People fighting, dad rescuing his son, parent-ly love defeats all, etc. I was actually cheering them on, like "you go! fight him! punch! kick! you can do it!!"
          And one more thing to notice, is the details in the screen. I noticed just this, so I don't know if there's more. If you see the blackboard behind the dad when he was dismissing his students, you'll see "James Wan X2", and then a picture of SAW's puppet face (that one with a red swirly cheeks) under it. (James Wan is the director of Insidious, I believe.) Other than that, when they did close-ups of the ghosts, I just couldn't help but notice that their nose were moving, showing that they were breathing. I just found that funny, and maybe they were planning to play on people's fear of clowns by putting clown-like make ups on these ghosts, but I just found it funny, sorry. (my brain: clown==funny) Other than that, on the main 'insidious' creature: at first he looks scary, but after a while I kinda got used to the design and stopped feeling shocked/scared when I see him. And there's this one scene where he crawled on the wall that looked just fake/CG.
          And then there's the ending. It got some twists, and I kinda half-expecting it, but still like it anyway.
          All in all, I'd say it was worth watching, but maybe if you want more kicks out of it, you should bring friends who are really, easily scared and would scream their lungs out. Else, no kicks. Plus, I found Insidious somewhat like the Poltergeist, which might be scary as hell a long time ago, but not now.

Day 17 – Hopes for the Future

I hope I can get a job and a career that's got something to do with engineering and research, and it'll be greater if I can go work and/or study in Japan. I hope that I'll have my own family, my own home and car, those basic kinda things. Then I wanna go travel to a lot of places. And live a happy, full, and filling life.
p/s: I've been wanting to donate blood since forever, but haven't gotten to yet. And maybe do some charity volunteering works?

Day 16 – Short term goals for this month

Finish up senior design project, final project for classes, graduate.
why? because i'm a senior and i've been here for 4 freaking years, that's why.

other than that, crash-diet? haha

and also settle things about the trip to LA; hopefully i'll get the details and confirmation about their flight asap, and then I can buy mine.

that's all.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 15 - Something I don't leave the house without

This is what I must bring or have on me no matter what, right?
It's just my Commodore ID, my room and car keys, and a lip balm. See, I don't see the need for some cash or debit card when I go to classes.. I live on campus, and it's just about 10 minutes walk away, after all ;))


          My Mak's a Chinese-born. She was born in a Chinese family, but it was a hard and harsh time for everyone, so they thought that another baby girl just doesn't help with the situation. On another side of the town, my grandmother, who's a Malay, couldn't have any child, so they decided to adopt. And so Mak was brought into the Malay family, being grandma's and granddad's first daughter.. =))
          Mak was brought up as a true Muslim and Malay; she doesn't know how to speak Chinese at all, but she's fluent in Malay and Jawa. =P One thing that still binds her to her Chinese origin, might be just genetics and looks. Some of our siblings really look somewhat Chinese-ish, and people can easily recognize us; they said we just had that similar looks to each other.. was it the sepet eyes? lol.
          And maybe there's just one other thing besides our genetics and looks: a few Chinese from our town acknowledge that we're relatives, and said that Mak's their sibling, and so they give us some more discounts in their stores ^^;;
p/s: we should've practice both Raya and Chinese Ney Year.. then I'd get both Duit Raya and Ang Pao. my annual income could double!! XDvv

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 14 - a TV show I'm currently addicted to

It's a crackful Japanese TV Variety Show; Himitsu no Arashi-chan, hosted by ARASHI.
Just take a look at those pictures.. see how awesome this show is yet? LOL
actually I prefer their previous show; Arashi no Shukudai-kun, but that show already ended after more than 200 episodes. it was a good run, but still, when it ended I cried a little ='(

Day 13 – A picture of favorite band or artist

Who else, other than ARASHI, right?? XDvv
(ngelat) more pictures =P
and some bonus:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 12 – Relationship Status

I'm single and neutral and open to the idea of being in a relationship,
but not desperate or badly need one.
You can just say I'm curious lol.
How's single life? OK.
Having someone might be great, but you don't need to have one to be awesome like me =P.
nak ckp ape lg..dh mmg biase single, i've been single my whole life (i.e. saye x prnh ade pakwe or kapel2 ni), so mne nk tau 'in a relationship life' mcm mne kann..x dpt ah nk compare2 ke whatever ke haiyaa T_T

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 11 – A picture of favorite memory

nak mengelat.. I could not choose only one, so:
TA-DAHH.. a collage of my favorite memoriesss (or actually, favorite pictures of some memories haha) =P

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Day 10 - Photo of Favorite Place to Eat

As we have 'separate stomachs' for desserts and meals, so do I have separate favorites for ice-cream and entrees =p
For regular meals, I like sushi!! =Dvv
Tenno Sushi Restaurant, Nashville.
And for dessert, it's Ben & Jerry's ice-cream XDD
Ben & Jerry's Factory, Vermont.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Day 9 - Item Last Purchased

Food item doesn't count right? haha obviously if this includes food, my last purchase would be FOOD =p
          So last week we went shopping at Greenhills (actually we went again today, but I didn't find anything that I like, so I bought nothing today). It was only about 10-15 minutes drive. I was running low on my Abercrombie & Fitch's Wakely perfume, so I bought just that. It was last year (? or maybe last 2 year's) birthday present (thanks to Bell, Shafiq Anep, Aliya, dll(??)). I used it a LOT because I've just sort of fallen in love with it. They gave me the 30 mL eau de parfum, but I bought a bigger one; 50mL. It should be USA$50, but the store has 30% off, so I was charged only about USA$38.
          Official product description: Wakely is confident and sexy, yet always leaves something to the imagination. Intriguing and mysterious, jasmine and amber blend together into a warm sensuality. Notes of sweet cream deliver softness unlike anything else while clean citrus refreshes the senses.
          Other source: Get emboldened with Wakely by Abercrombie & Fitch, a confident and saucy fragrance. This amazing Abercrombie & Fitch perfume has sharp and dominant top notes of Jasmine and Amber. With Sweet Cream as its heart note, this fragrance for ladies takes you to the next level gently and softly. This Abercrombie & Fitch perfume ends the symphony of scents with base notes of Clean Citrus, tangy and tantalizing. In a plain black and gray bottle, this fragrance for ladies looks as unassuming as it is intriguing. Play with the senses of smell, as Wakely by Abercrombie & Fitch acts as an aphrodisiac too.
          My thoughts: It mostly smells of amber and sweet cream on me; the jasmine and citrus parts are usually noticeable only when I first sprayed it on. And after a while, when only the base-note should be visible, rather than citrus, it smells more like musk. It's for ladies, but I don't think it's too girly-girly. And it doesn't smell like a bouquet of flowers or sweetness ;))
some reviews. adoii x ckup 'perempuan' ke perfume ni? haha
p/s: kali ni x ngelat rajin2 keke

Day 8 - Dream Wedding

'Akad Nikah' aside;
I want a garden, or beach/sea-side wedding hahahh.
Why? Just. Because.
(aci x bg ni je keke rahsia2)

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Day 7 – A photo of an animal I’d love to keep as a pet

in case someone doesn't know what animal it is, IT'S THE PANDA.
Also DONE. hehe *malas2*

Day 6 – A song to match My mood

Life is Like a Boat, by Rie Fu.
Done. haha

Monday, April 04, 2011

Day 5 – What makes Me different from everyone else

Well apart from the fact that everybody's different from each other, I'm weirdly awesome hahaha. Can't you see how awesomely 'different' i am just by reading the craps i wrote in this blog? aren't they proof enough? and by writing this, it further shows that i am different. other people might write stuffs about their characters, attitude, behaviors, whatevers, but i'm just writing this, so i'm different like that HAHA.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Day 4 - Favorite Photograph of a Best Friend

So I just have to post some pictures? Sure.
sbb WAWA time kcik comel. dh bsr dh x hahaha
 and one from high-school:

Day 3 – Perfect First Date

          My idea of a perfect first date? haha I don't even know what's the difference between the first and the other dates. OK, so I'll pretend that for my first date, we somewhat already know each other, so we can skip the awkward introduction and ice-breaking parts =P. (Seriously, I will never understand how people can go on blind dates and so on.. isn't it awkward?)
          First things first: NO holding hands, NO skinships. There are so many ways to be affectionate and romantic, without having to resort to touching skin on skin. As I am quite strict about this issue, it'd be interesting to see how he'd act and treat me knowing that. Compared to holding hands, I think I'd appreciate him taking care of me more. If he thinks that I'm just too reserved and strict about skinship, and thus think that I'm kinda 'hard to get close to', it'd be better for us to just forget about it; a relationship built on respect is more solid and everlasting than one built on lust, after all.
          I don't want to see some movies in cinema. Just because when I go watch a movie, I go to watch it, not to talk to people. Even going with my friends, I usually ignore my friends when they tried talking to me during the show, or I just answered them as quickly, and half-assedly as possible to silence them. So, NO CINEMA (else he'd think i'm just cold and not interested in him). If he really wants to watch a movie, and at the same time talk, just have it at some place not in the cinema.
          I prefer having a laid-back atmosphere, like strolling along the beach, walking through the garden, or just sightseeing the downtown. And if there's some market like the flea or local markets, we'd go see it, and just walk and talk and enjoy the atmosphere. I won't even ask for flowers or presents or whatever, but it'd be really sweet if we found some inexpensive pretty things in the market, and we'd buy each other something. The key point is that it's not expensive, because after all, it's only the first date ^^; (am not a gold-digger). OR just buy ice-cream.. I'd be super happy after that haha. And if he's a daredevil like I am, a theme park or bungee jumping would be really cool lol.
Actually, it'd be interesting to see how i'll be when i'm in love someday. Would I act different? Would I fake weakness and fragility in front of him, or would he already know what kind of person I am? 0_0

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Day 2 — Favorite Movie

my favorite movie? i seriously don't keep tracks on things like this. even with yesterday's favorite song, i just pick one out of many songs that i kinda like. so really, this post should be titled "one of many movies that i watched and liked". OK, so i liked some really childish ones like "how to train your dragon", "tangled", "beauty and the beast", and some anime ones, like "bleach: fade to black", "dragon ball", and some adult-like, like "catch me if you can", "the inception", and "remember the titan". I guess i've never been a fan of just serious romantic stories.. i can only digest it in if there's at least some humor in it. romantic comedies and comedies are great, but i appreciate thriller or suspense stories with twists more than comedies, so.

Catch Me If You Can is a 2002 American biographical comedy-drama film based on the life of Frank Abagnale Jr., who, before his 19th birthday, successfully connedmillions of dollars by posing as a Pan American World Airways pilot, a Georgia doctor and Louisiana attorney and parish prosecutor. His primary crime was cheque fraud; he became so skillful that the FBI eventually turned to him for help in catching other check forgers. The film is directed by Steven Spielberg, which stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Abagnale and Tom Hanks as Hanratty as well as Christopher WalkenAmy AdamsMartin Sheen, and Nathalie Baye.
[excerpts from Wikipedia]

Friday, April 01, 2011

Day 1 — Favorite Song

Subarashiki Sekai by Arashi.
It's not a love song, it's not a jiwang song. It's just a wonderful song.
The title, "subarashiki sekai" literally means "wonderful world".
I listen to this song when I'm down, when I'm high.. It's just so nice listening to it. It sounds nostalgic, but not necessarily saddening-nostalgic. And sometimes it can even feel motivational.
Romanization lyrics:
(Yeah, Kick it in yo, Come on, Sing a Little Song)
This is a Little Song, a Tiny Song kono te takaku takaku ima maiagaru 
Tomo o shinjiru yasashii koe ga tooku tooku kimi no moto e todokimasu you
Tameiki no iro to somariyuku kono sora ni boku wa nanika o sagashiteta
Fuan na mirai to koko kara nobiru kage o oikosu nante dekinai no ni
Ikutsu mo no yoru no hate ni ima ga aru
Asu mo kimi ga kimi de irareru tame no namida ni shukufuku o!
Saishuu densha ni notte yuuutsu no eki o kakenuketekou
Kimi no machi made ato sukoshi
Bokura wa naite waratte sore de mo asu o yume mite shimau
Arigatou subarashiki sekai
(Hello, Hello, My New World, Hello, Hello, Sing a Little Song)
Koko made aruita shiawase na mainichi ga toikakeru no wa doushite?
Asahi no mukou ni yume aru to shinjiteta awai iro shita hibi wa sugite
Itsu no hi ka boku no soba ni kimi ga iru
Sonna toki o machiwabite me o tojiru ashita ni shukufuku o!
Man'in densha ni notte daiji na kimochi nakushikaketa
Ima nara mada ma ni au hazu
Bokura wa naite waratte sore de mo asu o yume mite shimau
Kore kara ga subarashiki sekai
Wow machi no akari rinkaku egaki michi naki michi o terashi
Kyou mo mata haiiro no sora ga hirakeru hazu kimi to nara
I wanna say something 2 all my homies
Boku wa mada tabi no douchuu
Everything is gonna be all right
Iro o kuwaenuri egaiteiku "chikai shourai"
Saishuu densha ni notte yuuutsu no eki o kakenuketekou
Kimi no machi made ato sukoshi
Bokura wa naite waratte sore de mo asu o yume mite shimau
Arigatou subarashiki sekai
Man'in densha ni notte daiji na kimochi nakushikaketa
Ima nara mada ma ni au hazu
Bokura wa naite waratte sore de mo asu o yume mite shimau
Kore kara ga subarashiki sekai
This is a Little Song, a Tiny Song kono te takaku takaku ima maiagaru
Tomo o shinjiru yasashii koe ga tooku tooku kimi no moto e todokimasu you

English Translation:
(Yeah, Kick it in yo, Come on, Sing a Little Song)
This is a little song, a tiny song, my hands are gonna fly higher and higher now
I pray this gentle voice that believes in friendship will reach you far, far away
I was searching for something in this sky stained the color of sighs
Even though I can't pass by the uncertain future and the shadows that stretch out from here
At the end of countless nights, we have this moment now
Celebrate the tears that make it possible for you to be yourself tomorrow!
I'll board the last train and rush past the station of despair
Just a little bit further to your town
We cry and we laugh, but still we end up dreaming of tomorrow
Thank you, wonderful world
(Hello, Hello, My New World, Hello, Hello, Sing a Little Song)
Why are the days I spent being so happy asking questions now?
The fleeting days when I believed my dream waited beyond the morning sun have passed
Someday you'll be beside me
Celebrate the tomorrow when I'll close my eyes and long for that moment!
Riding on the crowded train, I was on the verge of losing an important feeling
If I go now, I should still make it in time
We cry and we laugh, but still we end up dreaming of tomorrow
From now on is a wonderful world
Light draws the outlines of the town, illuminating my pathless path
I know the grey sky will dawn again today, if I'm with you
I wanna say something 2 all my homies
I'm still in the middle of my journey
Everything is gonna be all right
I'm gonna blend colors together to paint the "near future"
I'll board the last train and rush past the station of despair
Just a little bit further to your town
We cry and we laugh, but still we end up dreaming of tomorrow
Thank you, wonderful world
Riding on the crowded train, I was on the verge of losing an important feeling
If I go now, I should still make it in time
We cry and we laugh, but still we end up dreaming of tomorrow
From now on is a wonderful world
This is a little song, a tiny song, my hands are gonna fly higher and higher now
I pray this gentle voice that believes in friendship will reach you far, far away

credits to Becky @ Taiji Project LJ =))
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