Saturday, May 14, 2011

Commencement Ceremony

Congratulations to all Class of 2011 =))

Today was commencement day for Vanderbilt grads. During the ceremony (actually, since the whole morning and early this week), i've been having fever symptoms like headaches, sore throat, feeling like your throat and eyes are feverish warm, and some cough. and since we had the ceremony indoor (because of the weather alert), the ambient temperature was quite high, and add that to my already high body temperature, my eyes couldn't stop watering and producing mucus. (my pituitary glands were out of control) so i've been wiping and fiddling with my eyes a lot, that they began to sting now ='( a few of them noticed this and even mentioned that i was crying. seriously, i'm not saying that i don't want to or don't cry at all, it's just that it was a joyous event, so of course I won't cry. sigh i just hope these fever symptoms go away real soon..
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