Thursday, March 05, 2015

Golden Purchase

Purchased my first gold today :D

(Before this abah and mak gave me. This time bought myself)

Tried on a few rings. Super like the blue one (no picture haha forgot) but it seems too much like an engagement/wedding ring - which i am not buying btw. Srsly. This is just me craving to have some gold on me. What they say investment in yourself is the best kind? :p

Ended up buying the big one (bottom right) because it is the least likely to be gossiped as engagement/wedding ring haha. But plus it looks good on my long but fat finger...

Weight 5g, RM900 from Habib.

They have 40% off on diamond rings and other gem rings. Have a few others that i fancy but oh well next times insya-Allah jika ada rezeki... :)


(seronoknya jadi perempuan berduit tanpa komitmen/tanggungan/tanggungjawab)

(Seronok jugak rasanya kalau jadi perempuan yg dapat2 hadiah tapi sebab sendiri x pandai, carilah duit beli hadiah utk diri sendiri hahahhahah)
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